Surah Al-Lahab Chapter:111 Arabic
Surah Al-Lahab Chapter:111 Translation
- Abulhab’s two hands should be broken and he will perish .
- His wealth and what he had earned were of no use to him .
- He will soon go into the burning fire .
- And his wife too, who is going to wash wood .
- He will have a twisted palm bark rope around his neck .
Surah Al-Lahab Explanation
Surah Al-Lahab Chapter:111 Verse 1 Explanation
When this verse was revealed to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). To scare your close relatives. In order to obey this divine statement, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stood on the hill of Safa and said in a loud voice . It was the constitution of Arabia . That when some sudden calamity would come and people would be called for help, or they would call with the words of Sabah .
When the people heard this call, they ran to the foot of Safa’s hill. And those who were unable to appear themselves, sent their representatives to discover the truth .When all the Qureshi tribes gathered, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “If I tell you that a cavalry of enemies is coming from behind this mountain to attack you, will you confirm me ? Everyone answered back language, surely we will confirm you, because we have heard the truth from your tongue till date.
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “I warn you that if you do not avoid from shirk, then the damnation of God will destroy you. Abu Lahab, who was Huzoor’s uncle, raised his finger and pointed and said insolently .
Allah Ta’ala was very disgusted by the insolence of this insolent person, about His Beloved (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and expressed great anger and displeasure and said that the two hands of Abu Lahab should be broken, and one finger of the hands should be broken for impoliteness. Got up, both those hands should be broken. May they never succeed in their goal.
This is bad. He said that he was destroyed, he was left broken, his body was torn to pieces and what Allah Almighty had said did not take long to complete.He did not participate in the battle of Badr due to cowardice, but only a week had passed since Badr’s crushing defeat when a poisonous blister appeared on his body, which spread throughout his body in a few days.
Smelly pus started flowing from everywhere. The meat began to rot and fall. When his sons saw that he had contracted an infectious disease, they threw him out of his house and died in agony. Even now, no loved one went near him to dispose of his body. His body was lying for three days. When he got tired of his stench and smell and started cursing his sons, he appointed some Abyssinian slaves to dispose of his body.
They dug a pit and pushed his body with wood and threw it in the pit and put soil on top. This fate of the leader of such a great nation and one of the four nobles of Makkah can be the result of the wrath of Allah. Children do not leave their father like this, after death they cannot see his body rotting like this, but when the wrath of Allah comes, the feelings of love or outwardness also disappear in the hearts of the children and He has the same fate as what happened in this insolent court of Prophethood.
All the people of Makkah saw that the prophecy that Mustafa Karim made on behalf of his Lord was fulfilled in a letter. Abu Lahab’s name was Abdul Uzi. He kept his surname Abu Lahab because of his beauty and shining face. Allah mentioned his surname and did not mention his name. One of the reasons for this is that he was known by his surname and the other reason is that Abdul Uzi was not worthy of this name that he was mentioned in the Holy Quran.
Surah Al-Lahab Chapter:111 Verse 2 Explanation
It was one of the four wealthy people of Mecca. He had more than eight seers of gold bricks. Other property, goods, livestock were his possessions and he also had children. He had several sons who were all young in his presence, but when Allah caught him and a poisonous boil appeared on his body, all the servants, servants, brothers, relatives, even his own children left him.
They left yearning. In this world, he saw that the abundance of wealth he used to be proud of, the sons he was proud of, in the time of trouble, he left him helpless and did not help him.
Surah Al-Lahab Chapter:111 Verse 3 Explanation
Today it insults my beloved, politely points the finger and brags, after a short time we will make him taste this insolence and throw him into a fire in which flames will be rising .
Surah Al-Lahab Chapter:111 Verse 4 Explanation
His wife’s name was Arwa and his surname was Umm Jameel. She was the sister of Abu Sufyan and she was full of hatred in her heart. She was not behind her miserable husband in her hostility to Islam. Her hobby was to go out into the forest during the day, pick barbed wood and pick it up with a bundle, and at night she would lay down the thorns in the path through which the beloved of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would go to the Haram to prostrate himself for the worship of his Lord.
When this surah was revealed, hearing this, the fire broke out and filled her fists with stones and went out in search of the Holy Prophet saying that wherever you meet, I will take news from these stones.
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique sitting near the Kaaba was present. When Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique saw him coming, he said, O Messenger of Allah, Umm Jameel is coming and she will definitely do something wrong. Huzoor Arshad said she will not be able to see me. So that’s what happened. She could not see Huzoor coming near and went back muttering. He said that the fire in which her insolent husband will be burnt.
She will also be thrown into the same fire. It is narrated from Ka’b Ahbar that there was a famine in Bani Israel. Musa (peace be upon him) along with his people prayed for rain for three days, but not a single drop fell. Finally you said . God, these are your servants. If Tor does not show mercy, then who will have mercy.
Allah revealed that Moses ! I will neither accept your prayer nor your companions, because among them there is a man who is greedy. Musa (peace be upon him) said, O Lord of the worlds ! Who is he so that we can remove him from our ranks. It was said, O Musa ! I stop you from cheating. How can I eat this person’s face, so everyone repented together. Then he prayed for rain which was accepted. There is no dispute that cheating is a major sin. There are three things that spoil good deeds, backbiting, backbiting and lies.
Surah Al-Lahab Chapter:111 Verse 5 Explanation
Rope in the neck. It is a secret about Umm Jameel to use these words exclusively that she was the wife of the Prime Minister of Makkah. There was a jeweled necklace around her neck and she used to say: By kicking, I will sell this precious necklace of pearls and spend it in the enmity of Muhammad (PBUH). Allah Ta’ala says in the same stiff neck in which there is a very precious necklace today. We will put the rope of the monge and drag it to hell which will be seventy yards long.
It has also been mentioned in some traditions that as usual she was coming carrying a bundle of barbed wood on her head, it was tied in the rope of the knot. She sat down to rest on a stone. That bundle retreated and the rope wrapped around her neck, suffocating her and she died.
Read Surah Al-Falak Chapter:113 Click Here.