Surah Al-Kausar Chapter:108 Arabic

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Surah Al-Kausar Chapter:108 Translation
- (O Prophet) Be sure that We have given you Kausar.
- So pray for your Lord (pleasure of) and sacrifice.
- Indeed, Whoever is your enemy is deprived of all good.
Surah Al-Kausar Explanation
Surah Al-Kausar Chapter:108 Verse 1 Explanation
Allah says: Verily We have given you Kausar. So you keep praying and sacrificing for the pleasure of your Lord. Surely your enemy is a race. (Al-Kausar: 3-1) In this verse, the benefits and point of ” Ana “ At the beginning of this verse, the word ” Ana“ it is a plural word and sometimes this word refers to congregation and sometimes reverence.
It is meant and since Allah is the only one, therefore it cannot lead to congregation، However, it can be said that there are many people in the Kausar that Allah has given to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) prayed to send him as a messenger to the people of Makkah.
(Al-Baqarah: 129) O our Lord ! Send among them a great messenger from among them. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) prayed: O my Lord ! Make me one of Ummat Ahmad. Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) gave the good news of his arrival: (Al-Saf: 6) And I am the one who gives you the good news of a messenger who will come after me and his name will be Ahmad.
In the word ” Ana “, the second reason for the word plural is reverence, that is, the one who gives you Kausar is the creator and owner of all the heavens and the earth, and when the one who gives you is so great, his donation will also be very great. Allah has said in the past: We have given you Kausar and we have not said in the future that We will grant you Kausar, this is the proof that Kausar has been received by you in the past and it I have the following benefits.
which has received a great blessing in the past، He is much better than the one who gets that blessing in the future, that’s why when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked: When did prophethood become obligatory for you ? So he said: At that time when Hazrat Adam was between soul and body.
It is as if Allah said: We had provided the means of your happiness before your birth, so when are we going to forget you after your birth and your worship. (3) Allah first mentioned to you Kausar, after that He ordered you to pray and sacrifice, from this it was known that giving you Kausar is only the grace and favor of Allah to you. You are not compensated for any worship and austerity.
Also, it is said in this verse: We have given Kausar to you, we have not said that We have given this Kausar to the Prophet or to the Messenger, because if he had said: This Kausar has been given to the Prophet, then it would have been understood. That this Kausar is a requirement of prophethood, so whoever is a prophet must have received this Kausar and if he had said.
This was given to the Messenger of Kausar, so it was understood that this is a requirement of the Messenger of Allah, so whoever is a Messenger must have received this Kausar, and when he said: Verily, We have given him Kausar, then it was found that this Kausar is not Prophethood is required, nor is there a requirement of Prophethood, this Kausar is only a requirement of your self.
So it is known that Allah has made you the owner of Kausar by His grace. Give it, when Allah gave Hazrat Sulaiman a great country, he said: This is Our gift، Now you do someone a favor and give it to him or stop him. Similarly, when Allah gave you Kausar, He made you its owner, whether you give it to someone or not.
In the commentary of the word ” Kausar “, the sayings of the commentators. Hazrat Ibn Umar (RA) state that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:” al-Kawsar “ is a canal in Paradise, its two sides are gold. There are pearls and rubies flowing in it, its soil is smelly more than musk، Its water is sweeter than honey and whiter than ice.
Kausar means the reservoir, Hazrat Anas (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was sitting among us, suddenly he fell asleep, he exalted him with a smile and said: Now a surah has been revealed to me, then he said: Do you know what Kausar is ?
We said: Allah and His Messenger have more action, he said: This is the canal that my Lord Almighty has promised me, there is a lot of good in it and this is the reservoir on which the Day of Resurrection My Ummah will enter, its vessels are equal to the number of stars، On this one of them will be expelled from there, I will say: O my Lord ! This is my ummah, so Allah will say, You do not know by yourself what new work he did in religion after you.
Hazrat Ibn Abbas (R.A.) said: Kausar means a lot of good, that is, Allah has given you many good things, and in Islam, the Qur’an, prophethood and this world and the hereafter, praise and praise and praise are many charity. All the blessings of heaven are abundant .
This is a faith-inspiring hadith about Hauz Kausar: Hazrat Uqbah (RA) narrates that one day when the Prophet (PBUH) came out, he offered the funeral prayer on the martyrs of Uhud, then he went to the pulpit, so he said: I will be your forerunner on the reservoir and I will testify in your favor, and surely by Allah ! I am still looking at my tank and surely I have been given the keys to the treasures of the earth and surely by Allah ! I am not afraid of you that you (all) will become polytheists after me, but I am in danger from you that you will be attracted to the world.
Al-Kawsar: Said: So you keep praying for the pleasure of your Lord and continue to sacrifice. Kausar has given such a great blessing, so you should always pray and perform the sacrifice to thank him, in this there is good news from Allah that He will make you so happy that you will sacrifice. Will continue to do. One saying is that prayer refers to the Eid prayer and sacrifice on the day of Eid al-Adha.
It is narrated from Mujahid, Taea and Ikramah that prayer refers to performing the morning prayer and then performing the sacrifice in Mina۔ It is narrated from Abul Ahus that you should face the Qiblah while bathing the camel. Imam Ibn Abi Hatim, Hakim, Ibn Mardawiyyah and Imam Bayhaqi have narrated in their Sunan that when this Surah was revealed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to Hazrat Gabriel.
Which is this، Hazrat Jibreel said, “What Allah has commanded me، This is not Nahira, but Allah commands you to perform Rifa Yaddin when you recite Takbeer Tahrimah of the prayer, and when you bow, perform Rifa Yaddin, and when you raise your head from Ruku, do Rifa Yaddin, because this is our prayer. And the angels of the heavens pray and everything has an adornment and the adornment of every Takbeer Time is time to remove.
What is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Ameer Karamullah Rabiyyah, keep your right hand on your left wrist, then place your hands on your chest in prayer. The method of the Qur’an is that Zakat is mentioned after prayer and sacrificing and taking camels is close to the meaning of Zakat، On the contrary, in addition to these above meanings, the polytheists of Makkah used to prostrate before the idols and used to bathe the camels for them, so it is more appropriate that this verse should be based on the fact that you should thank Allah. Pray for the sake of His pleasure and sacrifice for His pleasure.
Al-Kawsar: I said: The enemy of the poor is the raceless. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The work before which Allah is not mentioned is ” “, that is, it is incomplete and incomplete . The reason why it was not mentioned after that was that the disbelievers believed that the mention of Sayyiduna Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would be cut off, when his age would end because his generation would be cut off.
Allah warned him: The mention of which will be interrupted، He is your enemy and you remain as Allah has said: And We have raised your remembrance for you. Because you are the father of all believers and all believers are your children, Allah Almighty has raised his remembrance and made you the last of the prophets. Ibn Zayd said, That person used to say that Muhammad’s (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) root was cut off and his generation will not move forward.
Shamar bin Atiya narrates that Uqbah bin Abi Mu’it used to say that the generation of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) will not remain and they are worse. Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA) narrates that when Ka’b bin Ashraf came to Madinah, the Quraysh went to him and said.
We are the ones who manage and protect the Haram and we are the ones who feed the water of Zamzam, and you are the leader of the people of Madinah، Tell me whether we are better or this person who is cut off from his people and thinks that he is better than us ? Ka’b bin Ashraf said, Rather, you are better than him, at that time this verse was revealed.
It has been narrated from Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA) that the eldest son of the Prophet (PBUH) was Hazrat Qasim, then Hazrat Zainab, then Hazrat Abdullah, then Hazrat Umm Kulthum, then Hazrat Fatima, then Hazrat Ruqiya was، So Hazrat Qasim (R.A.) died and he was the first to die from his descendants in Makkah, then Hazrat Abdullah (R.A.) died. At that time, Al-Aas bin Wail al-Sahbi said, his generation was cut off and this is worse. (root cut), this verse was revealed on this occasion .
Imam Bayhaqi narrated from Muhammad bin Ali in ” Dalai al-Nabowa “, Hazrat Qasim (RA), the son of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), reached such an age that he could ride a horse, so Allah took him up. At that time As bin Wail said : When Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) became worse this morning, Allah revealed Surah Al-Kawsar.
Imam Ibn Abi Hatim has narrated that Abu Jahl called him Abtar۔ Shamar bin Atiya narrated from Ibrahim that Uqbah bin Abi Mu’it used to say that the children of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) will not remain, And those roots are cut, so Allah revealed this verse: From these traditions, it is known that when his son Hazrat Qasim (RA) died, Al-Aas bin Wail, Abu Jahl, Uqbah bin Abi Mu’it and Ka’b bin Ashraf, all the enemies of Mustafa called him worse.
When a person’s son dies, his countrymen and relatives condole and comfort him, how he was a compatriot and relative, who instead of comforting you on the occasion of such grief and sorrow. They were taunting you and calling you worse، At that time, only Lord comforted you and said: Verily, We have given you Kausar. So you keep praying and sacrificing for the pleasure of your Lord. Surely your enemy is a race.
Defending Allah on behalf of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) When the disbelievers taunted you that you are worse, Allah indirectly defended you. And here Allah answered on behalf of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and there are many other examples of this in the Holy Qur’an. The disbelievers said: Let us tell you such a person، Who is giving you the news that when you are completely destroyed, then you will definitely be created new. He has either falsely slandered Allah or he is mad.
When the disbelievers called you a liar and a madman, Allah immediately defended you and said: (Saba: 8) Rather (the truth is) that those who do not believe in the Hereafter are in punishment and far away. I am in error. Similarly, when Waleed bin Mughirah called you mad, Allah Almighty said in his defense .
(Al-Qalam: 2) You are not mad by the grace of your Lord. Similarly, the disbelievers said about you, “You are not the Messenger of Allah. So Allah said in your defense: (Yasin: 3-1) . Kind of Quran. Surely you are among the messengers. (Al-Safat: 36) Are we going to leave our gods because of the mad poet.
(Al-Safat: 37) (No, no) Rather, they have brought the true religion and they confirmed all the messengers. Then he made a promise to your enemies (Al-Safat: 38) Indeed, you are surely going to taste a painful punishment. In the same way, he quoted the saying of the disbelievers: (Al-Furqan: 7) What happened to this Messenger that he eats food and walks in the markets.
So Allah rejected them and said: (Al-Furqan: 20) All the messengers whom We sent before you used to eat and walk in the markets. When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) climbed Mount Safa and told his people the message of monotheism and said: If I inform you that there is an army of horsemen behind this mountain, who will attack you. If there is one, will you confirm me ? Everyone said, why not ! We have never found you a liar.
he said: Then I inform you that if you continue to associate partners with Allah in the same way, a great punishment will come upon you. ” Tabalak “ Death to you, did you gather us all for that ? When Abu Lahab said to him :” Tabalik “, Allah revealed the entire surah in his defense and condemnation of Abu Lahab: (Allah) . The previous prophets defended themselves. First, in honor of the prophets, if the disbelievers said something unspeakable, they would defend themselves.
Allah quoted his unspeakable words about Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him): (Al-A’raf: 60) The leaders of Noah’s people said, “Surely we see you in open error. So Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him) defended himself. (Al-A’raf: 60) Hazrat Noah said: O my people ! There is no error in me, but I am a messenger from the Lord of Knowledge. The people of Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) spoke ill of him, Allah quoted him as saying: (Al-A’raf: 61) Hazrat Noah said, O my people ! There is no error in me, but I am a messenger from the Lord.
The people of Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) spoke ill of him, Allah Almighty quoted him as saying: (Al-A’raf : 66) The disbelieving leaders of the people of Hazrat Hud said: Verily we see you in foolishness and surely We think you are among the liars. Then Hazrat Hud defended himself: (Al-A’raf: 67) Hazrat Hud said, O my people ! There is no lack of intelligence in me, but I am a messenger from the Lord of Knowledge.
The place of popularity of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was the previous prophets, but when he sent the beloved Lord of the worlds and the disbelievers spoke ill of him, Allah did not allow him to defend himself. Rather, as soon as someone said something against your glory, Allah immediately rejected it.
When Allah did not reveal revelations to him for a few days with His wisdom, the disbelievers said, Muhammad was left by his Lord and became disgusted with him, then Allah immediately revealed Surah Al-Zuha in response to it, in which these verses are: (Al-Zahhi: 3-1) By the time of Chasht. And by the night when it spreads. Your Lord has not left you nor has He become disgusted with you. Similarly, when the disbelievers called you Abtar, Allah revealed the entire Surah Kausar in your defense.
Surah Al-Kausar Chapter:108 Verse 2 Explanation
First, he mentioned the exaltation of his beloved with his selfless favors. Now we are being advised to be thankful for these rewards and favors. It is said, O Habib ! Pray for your Lord and sacrifice for Him. growth find it in his embrace of pleasure and grace, but thanks to others. Worship false gods. Sacrifices are given in the name of idols. O my beloved ! You do not adopt their attitude. This is the greatest ungrateful and disbelieving blessing.
Feet also get swollen. Someone said, O Messenger of Allah ! Why does Huzur bother so much. He said, “Should I not be a grateful servant of my Lord for His blessings. He lived in worship and remembrance of God all his life. Not even a single moment of day and night was spent in negligence. If the entire life of the Holy Prophet, Hadi Muazzam, was spent in prostration, bowing, humility and humility, if his Ummah loses the remembrance of their Lord, if the signs of prostrations are not shining on their foreheads, if they are blessed with the happiness of prayer. If not, then what can be more unfortunate than that.
Surah Al-Kausar Chapter:108 Verse 3 Explanation
According to lexicographers, a man who does not have a son is called Abtar. The animal which has no tail, is also called abtar. Hazrat Ibn Abbas says that this child of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was born from the womb of Hazrat Khadijah Al-Kubra (RA): Qasim, then Zainab, then Abdullah, then Umm Kulthum, then Fatima, then Ruqiya. Qasim died first. Then Abdullah (whose title is Tayyab wa Tahir) . After the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) claimed prophethood, all the people of Makkah became enemies.
When he saw that both his children had died, now there are only daughters, he started making various things. When the infidels saw the development of Islam, they used to ask them to entertain their hearts. There is nothing to worry about, this is a few-day game. The boy has no one to continue this mission after him. These were guests for a few years. When they leave here, their religion will also be destroyed on the same day.
Allah responded to his insolence with this one verse. Ended their complacency. He said, “Whoever will be the enemy of my beloved. Whoever is displeased with his religion, who is afraid of his system of Shariat, he will be destroyed. His people will forget him. History will forget it. There will be no one to name it. His children will also stop taking his name.
All kinds of relations towards him will become a source of shame for them and the glory of my beloved is that every Ummah of his, whether he is a member of a tribe, a resident of a country, a language speaker, my The candle of remembrance of beloved Muhammad will always be lit. Other people’s descendants are descended from their sons, but I will run the generation of my beloved from his daughter Fatima (RA) and I will bless this generation so much that this generation will spread in every corner of the Islamic world.
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