Surah Ul-Qariya Chapter:101

Surah Ul-Qariya Chapter:101 Arabic

Surah Ul-Qariya Chapter:101 Translation

  1. That big accident.
  2. And what is that big accident?
  3. would you know what that great accident is?
  4. The day when all people will be like scattered moths.
  5. And the mountains will be (flying) like those of a craded wool.
  6. So whose (noble deeds) weigh heavy on the scales.
  7. He will be in his favorite luxury.
  8. And whose scales (of noble deeds) will be light.
  9. So his place of residence and center will be a deep ditch.
  10. And do you know what it is (deeply).
  11. It is a very burning fire. (i.e.: He is not only a deep pit, but also full of fierce burning fire.)

Surah Ul-Qariya Explanation

Surah Ul-Qariya Chapter:101 Verse 1 Explanation

Qariah literally translates to “the striking one.” The term “qar” refers to striking one thing against another with such force that it creates a noise. Given this literal interpretation, “qariah” is often associated with a dreadful disaster or a significant calamity. In another part of the Quran, this term is used to describe a severe affliction that befalls a nation.

For instance, in Surah Ar-Raad, Ayat 31, it states that disbelievers, due to their wrongdoings, are continuously visited by one affliction or another. However, in this context, the term al-Qariah refers to the Resurrection, which is similarly described in Surah Al-Haaqqah (verse 4). It is important to note that this encompasses the entire Hereafter, from the initial stage of Resurrection to the final stage of judgment and the distribution of rewards and punishments.

Surah Ul-Qariya Chapter:101 Verse 5 Explanation

This will mark the initial phase of Resurrection, when the great disaster leads to the complete upheaval of the current world order. People will be darting around in chaos and confusion, much like scattered moths drawn to a light. The mountains will appear to be swirling like carded wool in various colors. The comparison of mountains to colorful wool arises from the diverse hues found within them.

Surah Ul-Qariya Chapter:101 Verse 6 Explanation

From this point, we begin to describe the second stage of Resurrection, when men, having been resurrected, will stand before the court of God.

Surah Ul-Qariya Chapter:101 Verse 8 Explanation

In the second interpretation, it refers to scales of a balance. When considering the first meaning, the heaviness or lightness of mawazin indicates that good deeds will outweigh evil deeds, as only good deeds carry significance and value in Allah’s sight. In the second interpretation, a heavy mawazin means that the scale of good deeds outweighs that of evil deeds in Allah Almighty’s Balance of Justice, while a light mawazin suggests the opposite.

Additionally, in Arabic, the word mizan is also associated with weight (wazan), so the heaviness or lightness of weight reflects the significance of good deeds. Regardless of whether mawazin is understood as mauzun, mizan, or wazan, the core idea remains the same: the judgment in the divine court will hinge on whether a person’s deeds are substantial or insubstantial, or whether their good deeds surpass or fall short of their evil deeds. This concept is reiterated in several verses of the Quran, which elaborate on its full meaning.

For instance, in Surah Al-Aaraf, it states: On that Day, the weight will align with the truth; thus, those whose scales are heavy will be the ones to succeed, while those whose noble deeds weight are light will face loss. In Surah Al-Kahf, it is stated: O Prophet, tell them: Do you want to know who the most unsuccessful and miserable people are regarding their actions? They are those whose efforts in this worldly life have strayed from the right path, yet they are under the illusion that they are on the right track.

These individuals have rejected the revelations of their Lord and do not believe they will ever stand before Him. As a result, all their deeds will be in vain, for We will not assign any weight to them on the Day of Resurrection. In Surah Al-Anbiya, it is mentioned: On the Day of Resurrection, We will establish just and precise balances so that no one will be wronged in any way; even if it is an act as small as a grain of mustard seed, We will bring it forth to be weighed, and We are sufficient for reckoning.

These verses illustrate that disbelief and denial of the truth are such grave evils that they will undoubtedly tip the scales of wrongdoing, leaving no good deed of the disbelievers to carry any weight in the scale of good actions. In contrast, the believer’s scale will reflect both the weight of their faith and the good deeds they performed in this life. Conversely, every wrongdoing will be placed in the scale of evil deeds, and it will be determined whether their good deeds outweigh their evil ones.

Surah Ul-Qariya Chapter:101 Verse 9 Explanation

Hell is referred to as Hawiyah because of its profound depth, where wrongdoers will be cast down from above. The expression “his mother will be Hawiyah” implies that, similar to how a mother’s lap serves as a child’s refuge, Hell will be the sole refuge for the wrongdoers in the Hereafter.

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